Is it any good? No. Not funny enough to be a good comedy, not clever enough to be a satisfying crime caper. It has an amiable enough set-up, but it soon becomes clear that the film has decided to eschew good jokes and characters in favour of gaping plot-holes, some of which stretch further than the human eye can see. By the time it reached its big (anti-)climax, I couldn't help wondering why some of the budget hadn't been used to buy the writers some new crayons to fill in the gaps in the story-telling. Ultimately, it wants to be as good as Ocean's Eleven, but never even gets close to those heights. If you think of Ocean's Eleven as like being at a party in the penthouse suite, with sexy, well -dressed guests, cool tunes and the finest champagne, Tower Heist is like sitting in your pants in a cramped flat on the first floor, drinking warm special brew with some blokes in anoraks and listening to James Blunt. It might seem okay at first, but you deserve better.
I don't trust you. What do others think? A general 'Meh' from an underwhelmed world. A few thought it was quite good, but those people are the same ones who like going to parties in anoraks and drinking special brew.
Anything else I should know? Younger readers might be surprised to know that Eddie Murphy was once funny. After I turned off Tower Heist, I happened to catch five minutes of Murphy's 1982 breakout hit 48 Hrs on TV, during which he delivered at least 3 funny lines. That's 17 more laughs than exists in the whole of Tower Heist.
What does the Fonz think? Rearrange the letters in the word 'Heist' to see what I think.
Buy it on Amazon
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